My story
One of my earliest memories sums up my take on life: I was four years old and my neighbour’s bike was lying enticingly on our driveway. I climbed on convinced I could cycle effortlessly away. I rolled downhill, wobbled and fell sideways into a thorny rose bush. It hurt so much. I wanted to run to my mum but I figured my neighbour might return at any minute and my chance to try his bike again would vanish so I picked up the bike again.
Throwing myself in the deep end just to know what it felt like has been a constant driver. Whether strumming away on the guitar, mustering sheep at dawn on a motor bike or climbing a cliff face with the ocean pounding away below, the desire to feel the sensations and know the terrain have always beckoned.
Based in Fremantle, Western Australia, I live with my husband, twin girls and Loxley the labradoodle. Apart from photography I love walking, reading and am learning Spanish so I can walk the El Camino de Santiago (Frances) someday soon.
I shoot an array of personal projects and commissioned work.
Select clients
Department of Transport WA | WestCycle | Eastern Guruma | Discovery Channel | Electric Pictures | Fremantle City Council | ICS Australia | Australian Safety Engineers | Lung Foundation Australia | Sami Bitumen Technologies | The Sunday Times Newspaper (England) | Acton Real Estate | Howard Park Wines | AC Agency | Colas | Lendlease | Mortgage Choice | Seven Days (The Weekend West, Aust.) | SCOOP Homes | Advanta | In The Thicket | Dec The Malls | HR Wallingford | ONA Consultants | Realising Potential | The Dance Collective | Bow Hair | Feet First | Nature Based Play | Flametree | Squarepeg Home | Liliana Stafford | Veerhuis Pictures | Spare Parts Puppet Theatre